Friday, October 18, 2013

Does the Press Have Anything Better to Do?

        In a recently published article by Matt Gertz, he explains how the press shifts topics from the government shutdown back to the recent catastrophe in Benghazi, Libya. As the press needs news to feed on, a biased accusation from Carney to Rosen was that he had been, "creating an exchange here for Fox." As this hearing goes on about the incidents in Benghazi, the questionings that Rosen had answered to gave the assumption that te was no excuse as to why they couldn't prevent the incident or use the military for protection and support. Rosen's only arguement for the incident was that there was just not enough ime for planning and preparation.

        Matt Gertz's blog is detailed and supportive as he even provides the actual video from the hearing to reinforce his arguements and information given. Moreover he provides extra links to other blogs that he had written in the past about Robert Gates actions of criticism towards conservatives. Due to the way Matt Gertz comments about the video, and his dedication to quoting particular questions and answers from the video, it is obvious how his intended audience for this blog was for the citizens in concern about the incidents in Benghazi. So that the citizens who lost a loved one have a better understanding of what could have been done and what hadn't been done to prevent this unfotunate event.

         After reading and understanding this article the readers can easily realize, there is little to no way you can disagree with the tragic events from Benghazi. With how much he explains the military's experience and knowledge in protection, time for planning should have been the least time consuptive activity in adressing this event.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Republicans Possibly Responsible for Government Shut Down?

In a recent article posted in Think Progress, Annie-Rose Strasser and her colleagues explain how shutting the government down due to Obamacare would be a mistake on the behalf of 49 republicans. Annie gives a great deal of detailed information explaining how these republicans are against the funding of Obamacare, but she does not give as much information as to why these republicans are against Obamacare. This leaves the reader free to assume the reason that they are against this government program because they see it as a waste of money however, if they see it as a waste of money then why don’t they make the same amount of effort to shut down other government programs listed in the article. This article is in intended to be read by other opposing republicans to help them realize that refusing to fund Obamacare unless the law ensures otherwise would only result in failure to the economy. She intends that after reading the article the republicans to realize that once the government is shut down, the US will be further in debt, with fewer national parks open and other government funded recreational programs; solving nothing. The authors give great details explaining that 46% of people would blame Congressional Republicans for the government shut down with the statistics being supported by CNN. Moreover she gives a list of representatives that are advising to defund Obamacare to help back up her statement. It seems her prediction is that if the republicans had gotten their way with the defunding of Obamacare, the government would have successfully been shut down, and the republicans would be to blame; losing their votes of winning a republican presidency and adding to their humiliation.