Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Does Government Glance at the Bigger Picture?

Does government at least take into consideration the interests and wants of the public? Or do they only look at the public from one extreme to another? Government establishes multiple agencies to help the poor and raises various prices, such as gasoline prices, to make the rich more rich. So, where does that leave the other 60% of us, known as the middle class? The ones who work hard for their education to put food on the table for their loved ones? A simple number of annual incomes per household don’t cover the amount of people living in it. And the result of this depletes the funding of financial aid for young adults who are graduating high school at a younger age than their parents. These young adults are also working on getting their education so that they can step into government’s shoes once their generation is over. A simple thought of it is, “sure, let’s drown them in debt with the rest of the country!”

Instead of government looking at the extremes, they should look into our public, our community, our country and launch ideas that will benefit us all in one way or another, so that the next generation has a fair chance at leading this country to success. Where will our country be if we only allow those more favored to benefit and make the decisions for the country? The ideas of maximizing profits and paying the littlest attention to those in poverty will only get us so far, but will do nothing for those of us in the middle class that do not qualify for half the opportunities. Government should base their decisions on the people’s and community’s choice, not the thoughts or wants of the extremes.

Friday, November 15, 2013

America, "Working Together"

We the People posted a blog about our lovely nation’s love for its citizens. We all know our fighting nation is in a financial downfall, but are we truly desperate enough to take money away from those less privileged? Do we really want to take the little food they can possibly afford for themselves and their loved ones? Shouldn’t those more privileged be the ones to contribute the surplus of resources, the ones with multi-billionaire businesses? Starting a more businesses would offer more jobs and more money to taxes for the government would be a much greater and positive result for the nation. Republicans want to reduce the food stamp program because they believe that it will save the nation’s debt crisis while the Democrats believe that it will take the little ounce of food resource that thousands of citizens depend on away. Although the nation is in a debt crisis, but are we truly desperate for funds that we will take the essential part of life from the citizens less privileged?

Friday, November 1, 2013

What is the Government Thinking?

The US is drowning in debt; the very taxes we pay for are only a fraction of the cost that we owe. As the government survives into their first month after the shutdown they continue to spy, or “patrol on the people’s interest on the web.” What is the point of all this? Where are our rights? Is this safe, or the better question should be what does this have to do with innovating our country? Our taxes go straight to the government for innovation and debts of our valued country, but where is the innovation? What in the world are we paying them for and what are we accomplishing?

However, let’s not jump to conclusions; let’s think about how this could be beneficial to our country. If we spy, I mean, “patrol,” what the citizens of today do online and on their cellular devices perhaps we can find information on what the public is more interested in. This could lead to more businesses, more jobs, and, my favorite, “customer satisfaction”. More businesses and jobs to actual American citizens (not immigrants) would be the cure to solving our financial problems and help increase our literacy rate. Together, the government can help the community and possibly keep the rich people rich and get the middle class a new level.

So now we look to the public to decide on what the government is truly doing, where our money from taxes is going and how our country’s debt is getting resolved; moreover IF it is getting resolved. Some may say that it is for the good of the public that the government is looking over our shoulders, others may say it is a violation of our privacy, and then there are those who are more interested in the life of the next generation. Interestingly enough, citizens find it interesting how the US is starting to spend money in gold rather than the American dollar currency, what is America coming to and how is the government helping it?