Friday, November 15, 2013

America, "Working Together"

We the People posted a blog about our lovely nation’s love for its citizens. We all know our fighting nation is in a financial downfall, but are we truly desperate enough to take money away from those less privileged? Do we really want to take the little food they can possibly afford for themselves and their loved ones? Shouldn’t those more privileged be the ones to contribute the surplus of resources, the ones with multi-billionaire businesses? Starting a more businesses would offer more jobs and more money to taxes for the government would be a much greater and positive result for the nation. Republicans want to reduce the food stamp program because they believe that it will save the nation’s debt crisis while the Democrats believe that it will take the little ounce of food resource that thousands of citizens depend on away. Although the nation is in a debt crisis, but are we truly desperate for funds that we will take the essential part of life from the citizens less privileged?

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